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Researching and Writing



L. Jones:

"Pass Law Exams got me there!

I was tired and frustrated with having to do exams over and over, repeating subjects so much that I stopped attending classes...I was demotivated! Luckily I was fortunate that a girlfriend who previously attended classes at Pass Law Exams advised me that Davina can assist with passing my exams. I contacted her and the rest is history as I am now the proud holder of a LLB from the University of London. Thank you Davina for your patience and willingness to go the distance in ensuring my success."

A. Ross:

"Starting off this program was overwhelming as all the work that had to be done seemed an impossible task. However, Davina helped by providing an effective strategy on how to tackle each subject area and on how to divide my time wisely in order to cover all the necessary material. One on one we sat down and came up with a timetable schedule and study plan. She showed me how to structure my essays and gave me clear directions on what I needed to work on.When it seemed like I was behind on the schedule planned she provided rather needed encouragement and advise on how to get back on track. Undoubtedly it was due to her advise, wisdom and support together with God and my willingness to do my part that I was successful with my first year exams. I look forward to working with her for my other two years in this program."

A. Soo Yam:

"Before I started classes with Pass Law Exams I was actually feeling a little discouraged and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue my degree. However after my first couple classes with Davina, my confidence began to build again. Davina helped me understand the courses better by putting them in an everyday perspective that made it easier to remember cases. I was able to analyze the problems better and find the issues in order to apply the law where necessary. Something that I struggled with for a while. Her teaching skills are great and she works with you on a one-to-one basis that an ordinary classroom would not be able to do and that was a great advantage for me. I am glad that I decided to complete my degree with her because I’m confident that she will get me through the rest of my program."

D. Jodhan:

"I first met Davina in 2016 when I asked her to tutor me in my law courses for the University of London England's law degree. At that time I had told Davina the following:

I was studying as an independent student in Toronto, Canada  and that I was seeking someone who would be willing to tutor me both via email and via phone.  I told Davina that I was vision impaired and that my main mode of studying was to be able to read my documents and text books in accessible formats; this being through emails, Word and accessible PDF texts.

For whereas too many tutors would have gracefully declined to help me mainly because of my vision impairment, this was absolutely not the case with Davina.

This lady has been nothing but encouragement, committed, and dedicated to my wishes and initiatives.  She has provided me with tutoring and advice that is second to none and at times when I have wanted to give up and give in; Davina has been there to help me get back on track. Davina is firm, strict, and her work ethic can only assist her students if in turn her students desire to succeed. With Davina at my side and standing behind me, I look forward to completing my degree.

Thank you so much Davina for having so generously agreed to work with me."

C. Pierre:

"Initially, I was a little apprehensive about even considering getting extra classes. But, it turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. Davina has a personalized approach that gives you exactly what you need to know to pass your exams. She had no problem repeating work if I didn’t understand. She was so patient with me and helped me study according to my own pace. She made sure that I was confident enough going into the exam room. Davina is more than a tutor, she is a mentor who genuinely wants the best for her students. I will blindly recommend Davina to anyone looking for help with law, She’s the best!"

A. Martin:

"The journey to completing your LLB is a personal battle.  You have to fight for it. Fight for more time, fight for more sleep, even fight to spend time with your family.  But the worst fight comes when you have to fight your fears - fear of failure, fear of doubt, fear of not being able to do it or complete it, fear of not having someone there who understand and who is willing to help. But you can overcome these fears when you have someone like Davina who is willing to go the distance and that extra mile with you.  Someone who - no only builds your motivation, but who builds your confidence and determination to completing your LLB.  No matter the time, no matter the question (and there are MANY lol) she is there for you.

She understands the battle and knows your struggle.  She is versed in her understanding of all modules, she is experienced, well prepared and equipped to help(ing) you on your journey. She is that voice who tells you not to quit, that you can do it.  She is driven to help you succeed and she is true to her word.

So yes the battle is personal but with Davina you don't have to fight alone.

Its a class definately worth taking and a friend definately worth having.

Thank you Davina"

M. Jack:

"Davina's approach to tutoring is very unique, she is able to simplify the most complicated topics and condense the information. Her tutoring assisted me when I needed a hands on approach with the Civil and Criminal Procedure module and as a result of that I was successful and now I'm a holder of a LLb(Hons)"

D. Ramnauth:

"I have been attending Davina's workshops on property law and they are very very helpful. She clarifies/deconstructs the concept exactly how to answer it in the exam. Both for essay questions-she gives a very solid outline and powerful introductions (what examiners are often looking for) and for problem questions its a very detailed analytical approach. Highly recommended!"

Testimonials: About
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